Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fortune Cookies

I have a best friend, someone who made aliyah, who came to visit for a Shabbas a few weeks ago. It was great, but we had other visitors, too, and my attention span was stretched to the max.

So my friend R., who came from the Holy Land, first stopped in the other holy land, New Jersey, or maybe it was New York, on her way to my house. There she saw children and grandchildren and purchased a big bag of fortune cookies to take to Chicago.

Before she got to my house, she hit a conference downtown. The cookies, I think she told me, were for the conference.

She intended to pass them out to people who attended her workshop.


So she passed some out at the conference and brought the rest "home" (to my house, another story for another day). She brought them out at the Shabbas table and I remember her telling me the story about them, something like, Turns out they're not in English. The fortunes are in other languages.

This should have made an impact upon me, because it's unusual, but it didn't, not until today, weeks later. Before leaving for work I grabbed a couple of cooks and threw them in my bag. I figured I'd have a break in the day and a good fortune cookie would do me a world of good. That and stretching the back when no one is around.

So here's today's fortune. If you recognize the language, please fill me in. If you can translate it, even better.
Hay den voi chung toi xin vui long phien Ejani ne seancen tone ju lutem. Dodite u nase sjednici molim.
I'm guessing Vietnamese. Seems a little French to me.

Clueless Bubbie

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