My youngest grandson is graduating kindergarten, which means that he will join his big brother and spend a lot more time in school. So I think it's important that the guys have a good time while they can, and it does look like they do.
But they spend a lot of off time in pajamas, and FD mentioned this to me. To me, this is a sign of the times. A lot of people are off of work, have lost jobs, and basically they're wearing pajamas all the time!
My grandsons play better in pajamas, is the truth, when they're wrestling, which is often, or rolling down mattress slides. Their play obviously reflects what is now casual chic.
It made sense to me. I see a lot of people as a therapist, and occasionally someone will walk into my office wearing clothes that look like pajamas. I think they are pajamas.
So I tell FD, it's okay. This is casual chic. Let the kids play. Before you can spit they'll be wearing white short-sleeve shirts with a tie, just like my Zaidie* always wore, just like he's starting to wear, more often than not, these days.
Flying Chic
* Zaidie* is Yiddish for grandfather, rhymes with "lay-dee"
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